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CARRETERO José Miguel; ORTEGA, Ana Isabel; JUEZ, Laura; PÉREZ-GONZÁLEZ, Alfredo; ARSUAGA, Juan Luis; PÉREZ-MARTÍNEZ, Raquel; ORTEGA, Mª.C. (2008). A late Pleistocene-Early Holocene archaeological sequence of Portalón de Cueva Mayor (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain). MUNIBE (Antropologia-Arkeologia), 59: 67-80.
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Alfonso Alday, Laura Juez, Amalia Pérez-Romero, Gema Adán, Elena Santos, Marian Galindo-Pellicena, José Miguel Carretero, Juan Luis Arsuaga (2011). La industria ósea del Portalon de Cueva Mayor (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos). Biapuntados, puntas de flecha y agujas. Morfología y funcionalidad. MUNIBE (Antropología-Arkeologia), 62: 227-249.
Oddný Ósk Sverrisdóttir, Adrian Timpson, Jamie Toombs, Cecile Lecoeur, Philippe Froguel, Jose Miguel Carretero, Juan Luis Arsuaga, Anders Götherström, Mark G. Thomas (2014). Direct Estimates of Natural Selection in Iberia Indicate Calcium Absorption Was Not the Only Driver of Lactase Persistence in Europe. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 31(4), 975-983.
Maria Castilla, José-Miguel Carretero, Ana Gracia, Juan-Luis Arsuaga (2014). Evidence of rickets and/or scurvy in a complete Chalcolithic Child skeleton from the Site of El Portalón (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 92, 257-271.
ALFONSO ALDAY, AMALIA PÉREZ-ROMERO, JOSÉ-MIGUEL CARRETERO, MARÍA ÁNGELES GALINDO-PELLICENA, GEMA ADÁN AND JUAN-LUIS ARSUAGA (2015). Proofs of long-distance relations between central Europe and inland Iberian Peninsula during Neolithic and Bronze Age. Evidences from the material culture of the site of El Portalón (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain). Advances in Anthropology (Open Access Journal): 5, 249-309 (
GARCÍA-MARTÍNEZ DE LAGRÁN, I., IRIARTE, E., GARCÍA-GAZÓLAZ, J.,TEJEDOR-RODRÍGUEZ, C., GIBAJA-BAO, J.F., MORENO-GARCÍA, M., PÉREZ-JORDÁ, G., RUIZ-ALONSO, M., SESMA-SESMA, J., GARRIDO-PENA, R., CARRANCHO-ALONSO, A., PEÑA-CHOCARRO, L., ROJO-GUERRA, M.A. (2015). 8.2 Kyr BP paleoclimatic event and the Ebro Valley Mesolithic Groups: preliminary data from Artusia rock shelter (Unzué, Navarra, Spain). Quaternary International, 403: 151-171
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J. REVELLES, S. CHO, E. IRIARTE, F. BURJACHS, B. VAN GEEL, A. PALOMO, R. PIQUE ́, L. PEN ̃A-CHOCARRO, X. TERRADAS (2015). Mid-Holocene vegetation history and Neolithic land-use in the Lake Banyoles area (Girona, Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 435: 70-85. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.06.002
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PÉREZ-ROMERO, A.; ALDAY, A.; IRIARTE, E.; FRANCÉS-NEGRO, M.; GALINDO-PELLICENA, M.A; ÁLVAREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, A.; JUEZ, L.; ARSUAGA, J.L., CARRETERO, J.M. (2016). La cerámica de la Edad del Bronce en el yacimiento de El Portalón de Cueva Mayor (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos). MUNIBE Antropología-Arkeología, 67: 105-126. doi: 10.21630/maa.2016.67.06.
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CAROLINE WADSWORTH, NOEMI PROCOPIO, CECLIA ANDERUNG, JOSÉ-MIGUEL CARRETERO, ENEKO IRIARTE, CRISTINA VALDIOSERA, KIRSTY PENKMAN, RENGERT ELBURG, MICHAEL BUCKLEY (2017). Comparing ancient DNA survival and proteome content in 69 archaeological cattle tooth and bone samples from multiple European sites. Journal of Proteomics, 158: 1-8. (
María Ángeles Galindo-Pellicena, MALIA PÉREZ-ROMERO, MARTA FARCÉS-NEGRO, ANA ÁLVAREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, Eneko Iriarte, Juan-Luis Arsuaga, José-Miguel Carretero (2017). The equids from the Bronze Age levels of the El Portalón site (Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain). Quaternary International, 433: 124-141 (
María Ángeles Galindo-Pellicena, LAURA MARTÍN-FRANCÉS, ANA GRACIA, IGNACIO DE GASPAR, Juan-Luis Arsuaga, José-Miguel Carretero (2017). Evidences of the use of cattle as draught animals in Chalcolithic of El Portalón (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos). Quaternary International 438 (Part B): 1-10 (
Amalia Pérez-Romero, Eneko Iriarte, Marian Galindo-Pellicena, Rebeca García-González, Laura Rodríguez, María Castilla, Marta Francés, Elena Santos, Cristina Valdiosera, Juan-Luis Arsuaga, Alfonso Alday, José-Miguel Carretero (2017). An unusual pre-beaker Copper Age cave burial context from El Portalón de Cueva Mayor Site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos). Quaternary International, 433 (Par A): 142-155 (doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.06.063).
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REBECA GARCÍA-GONZÁLEZ, ZURIÑE SÁNCHEZ, JUAN LUIS ARSUAGA, JOSÉ- MIGUEL CARRETERO (2018). Dietary inferences from dental microwear pattern in Chalcolithic populations from Iberian Peninsula: the case of El Portalón de Cueva Mayor (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain) and El Alto de la Huesera (Álava, Spain). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Pp. 1-13.
ARRIOLABENGOA, M., IRIARTE, E., ARANBURU, A., YUSTA, I., ARNOLD, L., DEMURO, M., ARRIZABALAGA, A. (2018). Reconstructing the sedimentary history of Lezetxiki II cave (Basque Country, northern Iberian Peninsula) using micromorphological analysis. Sedimentary Geology 372: 96-111.
REVELLES, J., BURJACHS, F., PALOMO, A., PIQUÉ, R., IRIARTE, E., PÉREZ-OBIOL, R., TERRADAS, X (2018). Human-environment interaction during the Mesolithic- Neolithic transition in the NE Iberian Peninsula. Vegetation history, climate change and human impact during the Early-Middle Holocene in the Eastern Pre-Pyrenees. Quaternary Science Reviews, 184: 183-200
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GALINDO-PELLICENA, M. A, ARSUAGA, J.L., CARRETERO, J.M. (2019). Pig management in the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age periods at the El Portalón site: integration in the Iberian context. Quaternary International, 515: 138-149.
ALFONSO ALDAY, AMALIA PÉREZ-ROMERO, ENEKO IRIARTE, MARTA FRANCÉS-NEGRO, JUAN-LUIS ARSUAGA, AND JOSÉ-MIGUEL CARRETERO (2019). Pottery with ramiform-anthropomorphic decoration from El Portalón de Cueva Mayor site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos) and the globalized symbolic world of the first Neolithic. Quaternary International, 515: 125-137.
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NARBARTE, J., IRIARTE, E., RAD, C., CARRANCHO, A., GONZÁLEZ-SAMPÉRIZ, P., PEÑA-CHOCARRO, L., QUIRÓS-CASTILLO, J.A. (2019). On the origin of rural landscapes: Looking for physico-chemical fingerprints of historical agricultural practice in the Atlantic Basque Country (N Spain). Science of the Total Environment, 681: 66-81. doi:
MARTA FRANCÉS-NEGRO, ÁNGEL CARRANCHO, AMALIA PÉREZ-ROMERO, JUAN LUIS ARSUAGA, JOSÉ-MIGUEL CARRETERO, ENEKO IRIARTE (2019). Storage or cooking pots? Inferring pottery use with archaeomagnetic assessment of palaeotemperatures. Journal of Archaeological Science, 110: DOI:, pp-1-14
Iriarte, E., García-Tojal, J., Santana, J., Jorge-Villar, S.E., Teira, L.C., Muñiz, J.R., Ibañez, J.J. (2020). Geochemical and spectroscopic approach to the characterization of earliest cremated human bones from the Levant (PPNB of Kharaysin, Jordan). Journal of Achaeological Science: Reports, 30, 10221.
Martínez-Pillado, V., Yusta, I., Iriarte, E., Álvaro, A., Ortega, N., Aranburu, A., Arsuaga, J.L. (2020). The red coloration of Goikoetxe cave’s speleothems (Busturia, Spain): an indicator of paleoclimatic changes. Quaternary International.
Bilbao, P., Jara-Muñoz, J., Pedoja, K., Álvarez, I., Aranburu, A., Iriarte, E., Galparsoro, I. (2020). Submerged marine terraces identification and an approach for numerical modelling the sequence formation in the Bay of Biscay (northeastern Iberian Peninsula). Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 47.
Ibañez, J.J., Muñiz, J.R., Huet, T., Santana, J., Teira, L.C., Borrell, F., Rosillo, R., Iriarte, E. (2020). Flint figurines in the early Neolithic site of Kharaysin (early 8th millennium BC, Jordan). Antiquity, 94(376), 880-899.
Santana, J., Iriarte, E., Teira, L.C., Garcia-Tojal, J., Muñiz, J., Ibáñez, J.J. (2020). Transforming the ancestors: early evidence of fire-induced manipulation on human bones in the Near East from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B of Kharaysin (Jordan). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 21(6), 112.
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